Who designs BariBox meals?

Registered dietitian, Jana Wolff, RDN, LDN, has spent years working with thousands of bariatric surgery patients. She is excited to bring you one of the first fresh, made-to-order meal services designed for bariatric needs.

“I work with bariatric patients every day and the biggest challenge I see is meal prepping. What we eat is directly connected with our success, but it’s tough to get it exactly right. I’m so proud to offer this service to anyone that’s confused about what to eat or just doesn’t have the time to cook. This is a game-changer, time-saver, and will make your journey 100% easier! My commitment to you is to advocate for life-long weight loss without long hours in the kitchen.”



Jana is always here to help. Reach out for more information or to schedule a session for your nutrition and weight management journey.